A tried & tested system of medicine, treating the underlying cause of your symptoms
Acupuncture works by improving the movement of energy/Qi, which can be seen as a kind of bio electricity within our bodies, freeing up energy stagnation and blood flow and thereby allowing organs to be fully nourished and work properly. In this regard acupuncture can be particularly helpful at treating health issues which have become chronic.
When you first get symptoms, acupuncture can quickly bring your body back into balance. When symptoms are left for too long, they take longer to treat, so it pays to treat problems at an early stage.
The initial consultation involves evaluating your symptoms from a Chinese medicine perspective. This involves asking various questions that help evaluate the relative balance of yin and yang energies in the body and the amount of qi you have available and how well it is flowing. There is also a tongue and pulse diagnosis to provide further information. The Chinese medicine diagnosis is based on these findings.
Treatment is a process, it takes time to regain health. Treatment time varies from person to person, depending on how long and how severe a health problem is as well as the age and constitution of each individual. Chinese medicine is not a magic bullet and requires patience!
Needles are inserted with a quick and light tap. You probably won't feel the insertion. When the needles are in a bit deeper you should feel a slight ache or electric sensation. This is what we want! The feeling is brief, after a few minutes you should feel very relaxed and possibly fall asleep!
Acupuncture takes time to work, therefore needles need to be left in for at least 30 minutes to have a positive effect.
© Bluebird Acupuncture 2025