How to deal with the menopause

Looking after your health during the menopause
Firstly, the menopause is not a disease, it is instead the end of our fertility and the start of a new phase in our lives. If there are health problems around the time of the menopause, these are a continuation of health imbalances already present in our lives.

Past the age of 40 women need to pay particular attention to their health. The time around the menopause is the last great opportunity a woman has to really improve her health and ensure a healthy and long life. How do we do this? Well, we need to look at how we live our lives and ensure we live in harmony with nature and the world around us. Plenty of rest and avoidance of stress is extremely important. It is very important to conserve energy and strengthen the body.

Light exercise during the menopause, such as Qi gong or Tai chi
Try light exercise during the menopause, such as Qi Gong or Tai chi

A diet rich in seafood and toasted walnuts, warm and easily digested food is also important. Certain types of exercise can also help us to improve our health. I would include Qi gong, Tai ji, Yoga, swimming and gentle walking as the most important types of energy conserving and health promoting exercises available.

If you have health problems in your 30s and 40s such as heavy periods, fatigue, PMT, fibroids, endometriosis etc, it is very important to have these treated with natural medicine in order to get your body back into balance. By doing this you help ensure that your menopause will be easy and pass without too much discomfort.

rebalancing your body - health during the menopause

Prevention is everything in health care and Chinese medicine is the best preventative medicine we have available. If you find yourself experiencing difficult menopause symptoms, acupuncture can be a great way to ease these symptoms and ultimately help to restore balance to your health during this period.


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